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import {useEffect, useState, useCallback} from '@wordpress/element'; import DataTable, {createTheme} from "react-data-table-component"; import CountryDataTableStore from "./CountryDataTableStore"; import EventLogDataTableStore from "../EventLog/EventLogDataTableStore"; import FilterData from "../FilterData"; import Flag from "../../utils/Flag/Flag"; import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; import useFields from "../FieldsData"; import SearchBar from "../DynamicDataTable/SearchBar"; import useMenu from "../../Menu/MenuData"; const CountryDatatable = (props) => { const {fieldAlreadyEnabled, getFieldValue, getField, showSavedSettingsNotice, saveFields, setHighLightField} = useFields(); const { CountryDataTable, dataLoaded, fetchData, processing, handleCountryTableFilter, updateRow, pagination, handleCountryTablePageChange, handleCountryTableRowsChange, handleCountryTableSort, handleCountryTableSearch, addRegion, resetRegions, addRowMultiple, resetRow, resetMultiRow, updateRowRegion, dataActions, rowCleared, setDataActions, } = CountryDataTableStore(); const {setSelectedSubMenuItem} = useMenu(); const { fetchDynamicData, } = EventLogDataTableStore(); const { setSelectedFilter, getCurrentFilter, setProcessingFilter, } = FilterData(); const [rowsSelected, setRowsSelected] = useState([]); const moduleName = 'rsssl-group-filter-limit_login_attempts_country'; const [tableHeight, setTableHeight] = useState(600); // Starting height const rowHeight = 50; // Height of each row. useEffect(() => { const element = document.getElementById('set_to_captcha_configuration'); const clickListener = async event => { event.preventDefault(); if (element) { await redirectToAddCaptcha(element); } }; if (element) { element.addEventListener('click', clickListener); } return () => { if (element) { element.removeEventListener('click', clickListener); } }; }, []); const redirectToAddCaptcha = async (element) => { // We fetch the props from the menu item let menuItem = getField('enabled_captcha_provider'); // Create a new object based on the menuItem, including the new property let highlightingMenuItem = { ...menuItem, highlight_field_id: 'enabled_captcha_provider', }; setHighLightField(highlightingMenuItem.highlight_field_id); let highlightField = getField(highlightingMenuItem.highlight_field_id); await setSelectedSubMenuItem(highlightField.menu_id); } const buildColumn = useCallback((column) => ({ //if the filter is set to region and the columns = status we do not want to show the column omit: getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'regions' && column.column === 'status', name:, sortable: column.sortable, searchable: column.searchable, width: column.width, visible: column.visible, column: column.column, selector: row => row[column.column], }), []); let field = props.field; const columns =; const searchableColumns = columns .filter(column => column.searchable) .map(column => column.column); useEffect(() => { const currentFilter = getCurrentFilter(moduleName); if (!currentFilter) { setSelectedFilter('blocked', moduleName); } setProcessingFilter(processing); handleCountryTableFilter('status', currentFilter); }, [moduleName, handleCountryTableFilter, getCurrentFilter(moduleName), setSelectedFilter, CountryDatatable, processing]); useEffect(() => { if (dataActions.filterColumn === 'status') { const {search, searchColumns,} = dataActions; setDataActions(rest); } }, [dataActions.filterColumn]) useEffect(() => { setRowsSelected([]); }, [CountryDataTable]); //if the dataActions are changed, we fetch the data useEffect(() => { //we make sure the dataActions are changed in the store before we fetch the data if (dataActions) { fetchData(field.action, dataActions) } }, [dataActions.sortDirection, dataActions.filterValue,,, dataActions.currentRowsPerPage, fieldAlreadyEnabled('enable_limited_login_attempts')]); let enabled = getFieldValue('enable_limited_login_attempts'); useEffect(() => { return () => { saveFields(false, false) }; }, [enabled]); const customStyles = { headCells: { style: { paddingLeft: '0', paddingRight: '0', }, }, cells: { style: { paddingLeft: '0', paddingRight: '0', }, }, }; createTheme('really-simple-plugins', { divider: { default: 'transparent', }, }, 'light'); const handleSelection = useCallback((state) => { setRowsSelected(state.selectedRows); }, []); const allowRegionByCode = useCallback(async (code, regionName = '') => { if (Array.isArray(code)) { const ids = =>; const regions = => item.iso2_code); let no_error = true; regions.forEach((code) => { resetRegions(code, dataActions).then( (response) => { if (!response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); no_error = false; } }); }); if(no_error) { showSavedSettingsNotice(__('Selected regions are now allowed', 'really-simple-ssl')); } setRowsSelected([]); } else { await resetRegions(code, dataActions); showSavedSettingsNotice(__('%s is now allowed', 'really-simple-ssl') .replace('%s', regionName)); } await fetchDynamicData('event_log'); }, [resetRegions, getCurrentFilter(moduleName), dataActions]); const allowMultiple = useCallback((rows) => { const ids = =>; resetMultiRow(ids, dataActions).then((response) => { if (response && response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } else { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); } }); }, [resetMultiRow, getCurrentFilter(moduleName), dataActions]); const allowById = useCallback((id) => { resetRow(id, dataActions).then( (response) => { if (response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } } ); }, [resetRow, getCurrentFilter(moduleName), dataActions]); const blockRegionByCode = useCallback(async (code, region = '') => { if (Array.isArray(code)) { const ids = =>; const regions = => item.iso2_code); await updateRowRegion(regions, 'blocked', dataActions).then( (response) => { if (response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } else { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); } } ); } else { updateRowRegion(code, 'blocked', dataActions).then( (response) => { if (response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } else { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); } }); } await fetchDynamicData('event_log'); }, [addRegion, getCurrentFilter(moduleName), dataActions]); const blockCountryByCode = useCallback(async (code) => { if (Array.isArray(code)) { const ids = => item.iso2_code); await updateRow(ids, 'blocked', dataActions).then( (response) => { if (response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } else { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); } } ); setRowsSelected([]); } else { await updateRow(code, 'blocked', dataActions).then( (response) => { if (response.success) { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message); } else { showSavedSettingsNotice(response.message, 'error'); } } ); } await fetchDynamicData('event_log'); }, [updateRow, addRowMultiple, dataActions, getCurrentFilter(moduleName)]); const data = {}; const generateFlag = useCallback((flag, title) => ( <> <Flag countryCode={flag} style={{ fontSize: '2em', }} title={title} continent={(getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'regions')} /> </> ), []); const ActionButton = ({onClick, children, className}) => ( // <div className={`rsssl-action-buttons__inner`}> <button className={`button ${className} rsssl-action-buttons__button`} onClick={onClick} disabled={processing} > {children} </button> // </div> ); const generateActionButtons = useCallback((id, status, region_name, db_id ) => ( <div className="rsssl-action-buttons"> {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'blocked' && ( <ActionButton onClick={() => allowById(id)} className="button-secondary"> {__("Allow", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> )} {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'regions' && ( <> <ActionButton onClick={() => blockRegionByCode(id, region_name)} className="button-primary"> {__("Block", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> <ActionButton onClick={() => allowRegionByCode(id, region_name)} className="button-secondary"> {__("Allow", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> </> )} {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'countries' && ( <> {status === 'blocked' ? ( <ActionButton onClick={() => allowById(db_id)} className="button-secondary"> {__("Allow", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> ) : ( <ActionButton onClick={() => blockCountryByCode(id)} className="button-primary"> {__("Block", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> )} </> )} </div> ), [getCurrentFilter, moduleName, allowById, blockRegionByCode, allowRegionByCode, blockCountryByCode]); for (const key in data) { const dataItem = {[key]}; if (getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'regions' || getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'countries') { dataItem.action = generateActionButtons(dataItem.attempt_value, dataItem.status, dataItem.region, dataItem.db_id); } else { dataItem.action = generateActionButtons(; } dataItem.attempt_value = generateFlag(dataItem.attempt_value, dataItem.country_name); dataItem.status = __(dataItem.status = dataItem.status.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + dataItem.status.slice(1), 'really-simple-ssl'); data[key] = dataItem; } const options = Object.entries(props.field.options).map(([value, label]) => ({value, label})); let paginationSet; paginationSet = typeof pagination !== 'undefined'; useEffect(() => { if (Object.keys(data).length === 0 ) { setTableHeight(100); // Adjust depending on your UI measurements } else { setTableHeight(rowHeight * (paginationSet ? pagination.perPage + 2 : 12)); // Adjust depending on your UI measurements } }, [paginationSet, pagination?.perPage, data]); return ( <> <div className="rsssl-container"> <div> {/* reserved for left side buttons */} </div> <SearchBar handleSearch={handleCountryTableSearch} searchableColumns={searchableColumns}/> </div> {rowsSelected.length > 0 && ( <div style={{ marginTop: '1em', marginBottom: '1em', }} > <div className={"rsssl-multiselect-datatable-form rsssl-primary"}> <div> {__("You have selected %s rows", "really-simple-ssl").replace('%s', rowsSelected.length)} </div> <div className="rsssl-action-buttons"> {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'countries' && ( <> <ActionButton onClick={() => blockCountryByCode(rowsSelected)} className="button-primary"> {__("Block", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> </> )} {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'blocked' && ( <ActionButton onClick={() => allowMultiple(rowsSelected)}> {__("Allow", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> )} {getCurrentFilter(moduleName) === 'regions' && ( <> <ActionButton onClick={() => blockRegionByCode(rowsSelected)} className="button-primary"> {__("Block", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> <ActionButton onClick={() => allowRegionByCode(rowsSelected)} className="button-secondary"> {__("Allow", "really-simple-ssl")} </ActionButton> </> )} </div> </div> </div> )} <DataTable columns={columns} data={Object.values(data)} dense pagination={!processing} paginationServer paginationTotalRows={paginationSet ? pagination.totalRows : 10} paginationPerPage={paginationSet ? pagination.perPage : 10} paginationDefaultPage={paginationSet ? pagination.currentPage : 1} paginationComponentOptions={{ rowsPerPageText: __('Rows per page:', 'really-simple-ssl'), rangeSeparatorText: __('of', 'really-simple-ssl'), noRowsPerPage: false, selectAllRowsItem: false, selectAllRowsItemText: __('All', 'really-simple-ssl'), }} onChangeRowsPerPage={handleCountryTableRowsChange} onChangePage={handleCountryTablePageChange} sortServer={!processing} onSort={handleCountryTableSort} paginationRowsPerPageOptions={[10, 25, 50, 100]} noDataComponent={__("No results", "really-simple-ssl")} persistTableHead selectableRows={!processing} clearSelectedRows={rowCleared} onSelectedRowsChange={handleSelection} theme="really-simple-plugins" customStyles={customStyles} /> {!enabled && ( <div className="rsssl-locked"> <div className="rsssl-locked-overlay"><span className="rsssl-task-status rsssl-open">{__('Disabled', 'really-simple-ssl')}</span><span>{__('Activate Limit login attempts to enable this block.', 'really-simple-ssl')}</span> </div> </div> )} </> ); } export default CountryDatatable;