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import {create} from 'zustand'; import {produce} from 'immer'; import * as rsssl_api from "../utils/api"; import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; import {toast} from 'react-toastify'; const fetchFields = () => { return rsssl_api.getFields().then((response) => { let fields = response.fields; let progress = response.progress; let error = response.error; return {fields, progress, error}; }).catch((error) => { console.error(error); }); } const useFields = create(( set, get ) => ({ fieldsLoaded: false, error:false, fields: [], changedFields:[], progress:[], nextButtonDisabled:false, overrideNextButtonDisabled:false, refreshTests:false, highLightField: '', setHighLightField: (highLightField) => { set({ highLightField }); }, setRefreshTests: (refreshTests) => set(state => ({ refreshTests })), handleNextButtonDisabled: (nextButtonDisabled) => { set({overrideNextButtonDisabled: nextButtonDisabled}); }, setChangedField: (id, value) => { set( produce((state) => { //remove current reference const existingFieldIndex = state.changedFields.findIndex(field => { return; }); if (existingFieldIndex!==-1){ state.changedFields.splice(existingFieldIndex, 1); } //add again, with new value let field = {}; = id; field.value = value; state.changedFields.push(field); }) ) }, showSavedSettingsNotice : (text , type = 'success') => { handleShowSavedSettingsNotice(text, type); }, updateField: (id, value) => { set( produce((state) => { let index = state.fields.findIndex(fieldItem => === id); if (index !== -1) { state.fields[index].value = value; } }) ) }, updateFieldAttribute: (id, attribute, value) => { set( produce((state) => { let index = state.fields.findIndex(fieldItem => === id); if (index !== -1) { state.fields[index][attribute] = value; } }) ) }, updateSubField: (id, subItemId, value) => { set( produce((state) => { let index = state.fields.findIndex(fieldItem => === id); let itemValue = state.fields[index].value; if (!Array.isArray(itemValue)) { itemValue = []; } let subIndex = itemValue.findIndex(subItem => === subItemId); if (subIndex !== -1) { state.fields[index].updateItemId = subItemId; state.fields[index].value[subIndex]['value'] = value; state.fields[index].value = => { const { deleteControl, valueControl, statusControl, } = item; return rest; }); } }) ) }, removeHelpNotice: (id) => { set( produce((state) => { const fieldIndex = state.fields.findIndex(field => { return; }); state.fields[fieldIndex].help = false; }) ) }, addHelpNotice : (id, label, text, title, url) => { get().removeHelpNotice(id); //create help object let help = {}; help.label=label; help.text=text; if (url) help.url=url; if (title) help.title=title; set( produce((state) => { const fieldIndex = state.fields.findIndex(field => { return; }); if (fieldIndex!==-1) { state.fields[fieldIndex].help = help; } }) ) }, fieldAlreadyEnabled: (id) => { let fieldIsChanged = get().changedFields.filter(field => === id ).length>0; let fieldIsEnabled = get().getFieldValue(id); return !fieldIsChanged && fieldIsEnabled; }, getFieldValue : (id) => { let fields = get().fields; let fieldItem = fields.filter(field => === id )[0]; if (fieldItem){ return fieldItem.value; } return false; }, getField : (id) => { let fields = get().fields; let fieldItem = fields.filter(field => === id )[0]; if (fieldItem){ return fieldItem; } return false; }, saveFields: async (skipRefreshTests, showSavedNotice, force = false) => { let refreshTests = typeof skipRefreshTests !== 'undefined' ? skipRefreshTests : true; showSavedNotice = typeof showSavedNotice !== 'undefined' ? showSavedNotice : true; let fields = get().fields; fields = fields.filter(field => field.data_target !== 'banner'); let changedFields = get().changedFields; let saveFields = []; //data_target for (const field of fields) { let fieldIsIncluded = changedFields.filter(changedField => === > 0; //also check if there's no saved value yet for radio fields, by checking the never_saved attribute. //a radio or select field looks like it's completed, but won't save if it isn't changed. //this should not be the case for disabled fields, as these fields often are enabled server side because they're enabled outside Really Simple Security. let select_or_radio = field.type === 'select' || field.type === 'radio'; if (fieldIsIncluded || (field.never_saved && !field.disabled && select_or_radio)) { saveFields.push(field); } } //if no fields were changed, do nothing. if (saveFields.length > 0 || force === true) { let response = rsssl_api.setFields(saveFields).then((response) => { return response; }) if (showSavedNotice) { toast.promise( response, { pending: __('Saving settings...', 'really-simple-ssl'), success: __('Settings saved', 'really-simple-ssl'), error: __('Something went wrong', 'really-simple-ssl'), } ); } await response.then((response) => { set( produce((state) => { state.changedFields = []; state.fields = response.fields; state.progress = response.progress; state.refreshTests = refreshTests; }) ) }); } if (showSavedNotice && saveFields.length === 0) { //nothing to save. show instant success. toast.promise( Promise.resolve(), { success: __('Settings saved', 'really-simple-ssl'), } ); } }, updateFieldsData: (selectedSubMenuItem) => { let fields = get().fields; fields = updateFieldsListWithConditions(fields); //only if selectedSubMenuItem is actually passed if (selectedSubMenuItem) { let nextButtonDisabled = isNextButtonDisabled(fields, selectedSubMenuItem); //if the button was set to disabled with the handleNextButtonDisabled function, we give that priority until it's released. if (get().overrideNextButtonDisabled) { nextButtonDisabled = get().overrideNextButtonDisabled; } set( produce((state) => { state.nextButtonDisabled = nextButtonDisabled; }) ) } set( produce((state) => { state.fields = fields; }) ) }, fetchFieldsData: async ( selectedSubMenuItem ) => { const { fields, progress, error } = await fetchFields(); let conditionallyEnabledFields = updateFieldsListWithConditions(fields); let selectedFields = conditionallyEnabledFields.filter(field => field.menu_id === selectedSubMenuItem); set({fieldsLoaded: true, fields:conditionallyEnabledFields, selectedFields:selectedFields, progress:progress, error: error }); } })); export default useFields; //check if all required fields have been enabled. If so, enable save/continue button const isNextButtonDisabled = (fields, selectedMenuItem) => { let fieldsOnPage = []; //get all fields with group_id this.props.group_id for (const field of fields){ if (field.menu_id === selectedMenuItem ){ fieldsOnPage.push(field); } } let requiredFields = fieldsOnPage.filter(field => field.required && !field.conditionallyDisabled && (field.value.length==0 || !field.value) ); return requiredFields.length > 0; } const updateFieldsListWithConditions = (fields) => { let newFields = []; if (!fields || !Array.isArray(fields)) { return []; } fields.forEach(function(field, i) { let enabled = !( field.hasOwnProperty('react_conditions') && !validateConditions(field.react_conditions, fields, ); let previouslyEnabled = !field.conditionallyDisabled; //we want to update the changed fields if this field has just become visible. Otherwise the new field won't get saved. const newField = {...field}; newField.conditionallyDisabled = !enabled; newField.visible = !(!enabled && (newField.type === 'letsencrypt' || newField.condition_action === 'hide')); newFields.push(newField); //if this is a learning mode field, do not add it to the changed fields list if ( !previouslyEnabled && newField.enabled && field.type!=='learningmode') { set().setChangedField(, field.value); } }); return newFields; } const handleShowSavedSettingsNotice = ( text, type ) => { if (typeof text === 'undefined') { text = __( 'Settings saved', 'really-simple-ssl' ); } if (typeof type === 'undefined') { type = 'success'; } if (type === 'error') { toast.error(text); } if (type === 'warning') { toast.warning(text); } if (type === 'info') {; } if (type === 'success') { toast.success(text); } } const validateConditions = (conditions, fields, fieldId) => { let relation = conditions[0].relation === 'OR' ? 'OR' : 'AND'; let conditionApplies = relation==='AND'; for (const key in conditions) { if ( conditions.hasOwnProperty(key) ) { let thisConditionApplies = relation==='AND'; let subConditionsArray = conditions[key]; if ( subConditionsArray.hasOwnProperty('relation') ) { thisConditionApplies = validateConditions(subConditionsArray, fields, fieldId) } else { for ( let conditionField in subConditionsArray ) { let invert = conditionField.indexOf('!')===0; if ( subConditionsArray.hasOwnProperty(conditionField) ) { let conditionValue = subConditionsArray[conditionField]; conditionField = conditionField.replace('!',''); let conditionFields = fields.filter(field => === conditionField); if ( conditionFields.hasOwnProperty(0) ){ let field = conditionFields[0]; let actualValue = field.value; if ( field.type==='text_checkbox' ) { thisConditionApplies = actualValue.hasOwnProperty('show') && actualValue['show'] == conditionValue;//can be 1/true or 0/false } else if ( field.type==='checkbox' ) { thisConditionApplies = actualValue == conditionValue;//can be 1/true or 0/false } else if ( field.type==='multicheckbox' ) { //multicheckbox conditions //loop through objects thisConditionApplies = false; let arrayValue = actualValue; if ( arrayValue.length===0 ) { thisConditionApplies = false; } else { for (const key of Object.keys(arrayValue)) { if ( !Array.isArray(conditionValue) ) conditionValue = [conditionValue]; if ( conditionValue.includes(arrayValue[key])){ thisConditionApplies = true; break; } } } } else if ( field.type==='radio' ) { //as the regions field can be both radio and multicheckbox, an array is possible for a radio field if ( Array.isArray(conditionValue) ) { thisConditionApplies = conditionValue.includes(actualValue); } else { thisConditionApplies = conditionValue === actualValue; } } else { if (conditionValue === true ) { thisConditionApplies = actualValue===1 || actualValue === "1" || actualValue === true; } else if (conditionValue === false ) { thisConditionApplies = actualValue === 0 || actualValue === "0" || actualValue === false; } else if (conditionValue.indexOf('EMPTY')!==-1) { thisConditionApplies = actualValue.length === 0; } else { thisConditionApplies = String(actualValue).toLowerCase() === conditionValue.toLowerCase(); } } } } if ( invert ){ thisConditionApplies = !thisConditionApplies; } if ( relation === 'AND' ) { conditionApplies = conditionApplies && thisConditionApplies; } else { conditionApplies = conditionApplies || thisConditionApplies; } } if ( relation === 'AND' ) { conditionApplies = conditionApplies && thisConditionApplies; } else { conditionApplies = conditionApplies || thisConditionApplies; } } } } return conditionApplies ? 1 : 0; }