import Panel from "../Panel";
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import Icon from "../../utils/Icon";
import {memo} from "@wordpress/element";
import useFields from "../Fields/FieldsData";
import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';
* Render a help notice in the sidebar
const SinglePrivacyStatement = (props) => {
const {updateField, setChangedField, getFieldValue} = useFields();
const Details = () => {
return (
<div className="cmplz-details-row" dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: DOMPurify.sanitize( props.plugin.policy_text ) } } >{/* nosemgrep: react-dangerouslysetinnerhtml */}</div>
const addPolicyHandler = (title, text, e) => {
let newText = getFieldValue('custom_privacy_policy_text');
newText += '<h1>'+title+'</h1>'+text;
updateField('custom_privacy_policy_text', newText);
setChangedField('custom_privacy_policy_text', newText);
const Icons = () => {
return (
<button className={'cmplz-button-icon'} onClick = { (e) => addPolicyHandler(props.plugin.plugin_name, props.plugin.policy_text, e) }>
<Icon tooltip={__( "Add to annex of Privacy Statement", "complianz-gdpr" )} name = 'plus' />
{ props.plugin.consent_api !== 'na' &&
<button className={'cmplz-button-icon'} >
{ !props.plugin.consent_api && <Icon tooltip={__( "Does not conform with the Consent API", "complianz-gdpr" )} name = 'circle' color="red" />}
{ props.plugin.consent_api && <Icon tooltip={__( "Conforms to the Consent API", "complianz-gdpr" )} name = 'circle' color="green" /> }
return (
<Panel summary={props.plugin.plugin_name} icon={props.icon} icons={Icons()} details={Details()} />
export default memo(SinglePrivacyStatement)