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import { dateI18n } from '@wordpress/date'; import { format, isSameDay, startOfDay, endOfDay, addDays, addMonths, startOfMonth, endOfMonth, startOfYear, endOfYear, addYears } from 'date-fns'; import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; /** * Returns a formatted string that represents the relative time between two dates * @param {Date | number} relativeDate - The date to compare or a UTC timestamp * @param {Date} date - The reference date, defaults to the current date * @returns {string} The relative time string */ const getRelativeTime = ( relativeDate, date = new Date() ) => { // if relativeDate is a number, we assume it is an UTC timestamp if ( 'number' === typeof relativeDate ) { // convert to date object relativeDate = new Date( relativeDate * 1000 ); } if ( ! ( relativeDate instanceof Date ) ) { // invalid date, probably still loading return '-'; } let units = { year: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365, month: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 365 / 12, day: 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, hour: 60 * 60 * 1000, minute: 60 * 1000, second: 1000 }; let rtf = new Intl.RelativeTimeFormat( 'en', { numeric: 'auto' }); let elapsed = relativeDate - date; // "Math.abs" accounts for both "past" & "future" scenarios for ( let u in units ) { if ( Math.abs( elapsed ) > units[u] || 'second' === u ) { return rtf.format( Math.round( elapsed / units[u]), u ); } } }; /** * Calculates the percentage of a value from the total and returns it as a formatted string or a number * @param {number} val - The value to calculate the percentage of * @param {number} total - The total value * @param {boolean} format - If true, returns the percentage as a formatted string, otherwise as a number * @returns {string | number} The formatted percentage or the raw percentage */ const getPercentage = ( val, total, format = true ) => { val = Number( val ); total = Number( total ); let percentage = val / total; if ( isNaN( percentage ) ) { percentage = 0; } return format ? new Intl.NumberFormat( undefined, { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 1 }).format( percentage ) : percentage; }; /** * Calculates the percentage change between two values and returns an object with the formatted percentage and status * @param {number} currValue - The current value * @param {number} prevValue - The previous value * @returns {Object} An object with a formatted percentage and a status ('positive' or 'negative') */ function getChangePercentage( currValue, prevValue ) { currValue = Number( currValue ); prevValue = Number( prevValue ); let change = {}; let percentage = ( currValue - prevValue ) / prevValue; if ( isNaN( percentage ) ) { percentage = 0; } change.val = new Intl.NumberFormat( undefined, { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: 1, signDisplay: 'exceptZero' }).format( percentage ); change.status = ( 0 < percentage ) ? 'positive' : 'negative'; if ( percentage === Infinity ) { change.val = ''; change.status = 'positive'; } return change; } /** * Calculates the bounce percentage of bounced sessions and total sessions * @param {number} bounced_sessions - The number of bounced sessions * @param {number} sessions - The total number of sessions * @param {boolean} format - If true, returns the bounce percentage as a formatted string, otherwise as a number * @returns {string | number} The formatted bounce percentage or the raw bounce percentage */ function getBouncePercentage( bounced_sessions, sessions, format = true ) { bounced_sessions = Number( bounced_sessions ); sessions = Number( sessions ); return getPercentage( bounced_sessions, sessions + bounced_sessions, format ); } /** * Formats a Unix timestamp as a date string, using the site's locale and wp date format * @param {number} unixTimestamp - The Unix timestamp to format * @returns {string} The formatted date string */ const formatUnixToDate = ( unixTimestamp ) => { const formattedDate = dateI18n( burst_settings.date_format, new Date( unixTimestamp * 1000 ) ); return formattedDate; }; /** * Check if a date is valid * @param {string | number} date - The date to check * @return {boolean} */ const isValidDate = ( date ) => { const MIN_START_DATE = 1640995200 * 1000; // January 1, 2022 in Unix timestamp return date && ( 'number' === typeof date || Date.parse( date ) >= MIN_START_DATE ); }; /** * Converts a date to a Unix timestamp in milliseconds * @param {string | number} date - The date to convert * @return {number|number|number} */ const toUnixTimestampMillis = ( date ) => { if ( 'number' === typeof date ) { // If the number is 10 digits long, assume it's in seconds and convert to milliseconds return 10 === date.toString().length ? date * 1000 : date; } // If it's a string, parse it to get milliseconds return Date.parse( date ); }; /** * Formats a duration given in milliseconds as a time string in the format 'HH:mm:ss' * @param {number} timeInMilliSeconds - The duration in milliseconds * @returns {string} The formatted time string */ function formatTime( timeInMilliSeconds = 0 ) { let timeInSeconds = Number( timeInMilliSeconds ); if ( isNaN( timeInSeconds ) ) { timeInSeconds = 0; } const seconds = Math.floor( timeInSeconds / 1000 ); const hours = Math.floor( seconds / 3600 ); const minutes = Math.floor( ( seconds - ( hours * 3600 ) ) / 60 ); const remainingSeconds = seconds - ( hours * 3600 ) - ( minutes * 60 ); const zeroPad = ( num ) => { if ( isNaN( num ) ) { return '00'; } return String( num ).padStart( 2, '0' ); }; const formatted = [ hours, minutes, remainingSeconds ].map( zeroPad ); return formatted.join( ':' ); } /** * Formats a number using compact notation with the specified number of decimal places * @param {number} value - The number to format * @param {number} decimals - The number of decimal places to use * @returns {string} The formatted number */ function formatNumber( value, decimals = 1 ) { value = Number( value ); if ( isNaN( value ) ) { value = 0; } return new Intl.NumberFormat( undefined, { style: 'decimal', notation: 'compact', compactDisplay: 'short', maximumFractionDigits: decimals }).format( value ); } /** * Formats a percentage value with the specified number of decimal places * @param {number} value - The percentage value (not multiplied by 100) * @param {number} decimals - The number of decimal places to use * @returns {string} The formatted percentage */ function formatPercentage( value, decimals = 1 ) { value = Number( value ) / 100; if ( isNaN( value ) ) { value = 0; } return new Intl.NumberFormat( undefined, { style: 'percent', maximumFractionDigits: decimals }).format( value ); } /** * Returns the name of a country based on its country code. If undefined return Unknown * @param countryCode * @return {*} */ function getCountryName( countryCode ) { if ( countryCode ) { return burst_settings.countries[countryCode.toUpperCase()] || __( 'Unknown', 'burst-statistics' ); } return __( 'Unknown', 'burst-statistics' ); } function getDateWithOffset( currentDate = new Date() ) { // get client's timezone offset in minutes const clientTimezoneOffsetMinutes = currentDate.getTimezoneOffset(); // convert client's timezone offset from minutes to seconds const clientTimezoneOffsetSeconds = clientTimezoneOffsetMinutes * -60; // get current unix timestamp const currentUnix = Math.floor( currentDate.getTime() / 1000 ); // add burst_settings.gmt_offset x hour and client's timezone offset in // seconds to currentUnix const currentUnixWithOffsets = currentUnix + ( burst_settings.gmt_offset * 3600 ) - clientTimezoneOffsetSeconds; const currentDateWithOffset = new Date( currentUnixWithOffsets * 1000 ); return currentDateWithOffset; } const currentDateWithOffset = getDateWithOffset(); const availableRanges = { 'today': { label: __( 'Today', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( currentDateWithOffset ), endDate: endOfDay( currentDateWithOffset ) }) }, 'yesterday': { label: __( 'Yesterday', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ), endDate: endOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) }, 'last-7-days': { label: __( 'Last 7 days', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -7 ) ), endDate: endOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) }, 'last-30-days': { label: __( 'Last 30 days', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -30 ) ), endDate: endOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) }, 'last-90-days': { label: __( 'Last 90 days', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -90 ) ), endDate: endOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) }, 'last-month': { label: __( 'Last month', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfMonth( addMonths( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ), endDate: endOfMonth( addMonths( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) }, 'week-to-date': { label: __( 'Week to date', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfDay( addDays( currentDateWithOffset, -currentDateWithOffset.getDay() ) ), endDate: endOfDay( currentDateWithOffset ) }) }, 'month-to-date': { label: __( 'Month to date', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfMonth( currentDateWithOffset ), endDate: endOfDay( currentDateWithOffset ) }) }, 'year-to-date': { label: __( 'Year to date', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfYear( currentDateWithOffset ), endDate: endOfDay( currentDateWithOffset ) }) }, 'last-year': { label: __( 'Last year', 'burst-statistics' ), range: () => ({ startDate: startOfYear( addYears( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ), endDate: endOfYear( addYears( currentDateWithOffset, -1 ) ) }) } }; const getAvailableRanges = ( selectedRanges ) => { return Object.values( selectedRanges ).filter( Boolean ).map( ( value ) => { const range = availableRanges[value]; range.isSelected = isSelected; return range; }); }; const getAvailableRangesWithKeys = ( selectedRanges ) => { let ranges = {}; Object.keys( availableRanges ) // Get the keys from the availableRanges object .filter( key => selectedRanges.includes( key ) ) // Filter the keys based on selectedRanges .forEach( key => { ranges[key] = { // Assign a new object to the key on the ranges object ...availableRanges[key] // Spread the properties from the range object }; }); return ranges; }; const getDisplayDates = ( startDate, endDate ) => { const formatString = 'MMMM d, yyyy'; return { startDate: startDate ? format( new Date( startDate ), formatString ) : format( defaultStart, formatString ), endDate: endDate ? format( new Date( endDate ), formatString ) : format( defaultEnd, formatString ) }; }; function isSelected( range ) { const definedRange = this.range(); return ( isSameDay( range.startDate, definedRange.startDate ) && isSameDay( range.endDate, definedRange.endDate ) ); } export { getRelativeTime, getPercentage, getChangePercentage, getBouncePercentage, formatUnixToDate, isValidDate, toUnixTimestampMillis, formatTime, formatNumber, formatPercentage, getCountryName, getDateWithOffset, availableRanges, getAvailableRanges, getAvailableRangesWithKeys, getDisplayDates, isSelected };