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/** * BLOCK:Complianz Documents block * * Registering the Complianz Privacy Suite documents block with Gutenberg. */ import * as api from './utils/api'; const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks; const { InspectorControls, BlockControls, useBlockProps} = wp.blockEditor; const { PanelBody, PanelRow, SelectControl, TextControl, TextareaControl, ToolbarButton, ToolbarGroup, Icon} = wp.components; import {useState, useEffect} from "@wordpress/element"; import DOMPurify from 'dompurify'; /** * Set custom Complianz Icon */ // SVG icon const iconEl = () => ( <Icon icon={ <svg id="uuid-098657ec-4091-4c5d-b2f8-761b37dc9655" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 22 19.26"> <path className="uuid-fb9dd603-42c0-4281-8513-899f01887edf" d="m13.54,4.47c-.06-.06-.15-.06-.21,0l-4.9,,4.9-4.9c.06-.06.06-.16,0-.21h0Zm-4.48,3.19c-.06-.06-.15-.06-.21,0l-1.06,,1.06-1.06c.06-.06.06-.15,0-.21ZM15.14,1.21c.46,0,.9.19,,1.7-.08,2.34l-2.89,2.89c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.,0l2.89-2.89c.76-.76.8-2.05.04-2.81-.38-.38-.88-.57-1.39-.57s-1,.19-1.39.57l-6.6,,1.7c.31-.32.73-.49,1.17-.49h0Zm-5.64,3.46c-.06-.06-.15-.06-.21,0l-2.77,,2.78-2.78c.06-.06.06-.15,0-.21h0Zm.74-.52l3.09-3.09c.48-.48,1.13-.75,1.81-.75.52,0,1.01.16,,0-1.47.28-2.03.84l-3.09,3.1c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.,0h0Zm2.63,3.56c-.06-.06-.15-.06-.21,0l-2.3,2.3c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.21h0c.,0l2.3-2.3c.06-.06.06-.15,0-.21h0Zm3.46-2.39l-5.97,,5.97-5.97c.06-.06.06-.15,0-.21-.06-.06-.16-.06-.22,0Zm1.2-4.03c-.05-.08-.17-.09-.23-.03-.05.05-.06.13-.,1.42,0,.64-.23,1.24-.65,1.71-.06.06-.06.15,0,.,0,.88-.98.97-2.43.25-3.5h0Zm-3.24,2.66l.93-.93c.06-.06.06-.15,0-.21-.06-.06-.15-.06-.21,0l-.93.93c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.,0h0Zm1.59-1.84c-.2-.19-.47-.29-.73-.29s-.54.1-.75.31l-4.8,4.81c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.,0l4.78-4.79c.12-.12.28-.21.46-.24.24-.,,6.57-6.57c.42-.42.44-1.13.01-1.54h0Z"/> <g> <rect className="uuid-fb9dd603-42c0-4281-8513-899f01887edf" x="7.81" y="5.93" width="2.91" height="5.64" transform="translate(-3.47 9.11) rotate(-45)"/> <path className="uuid-fb9dd603-42c0-4281-8513-899f01887edf" d="m10.7,11.35l-4.62-4.62h0l-1.28-1.28c-.55-.55-1.27-.83-1.99-.83s-1.44.27-1.99.83c-1.1,1.1-1.1,2.89,0,3.99l3.54,3.54h0l1.6,1.6c.,0,0,0,0,0,0,0s0,0,0,0l.36-.36.03.88s0,.04.01.06c0,.,0h0s0-.01,0-.01l3.82-3.82h0s.04-.04.04-.04Z"/> <path className="uuid-fb9dd603-42c0-4281-8513-899f01887edf" d="m11.09,10.9l4.62-4.62h0l1.28-1.28c.55-.55.83-1.27.83-1.99s-.27-1.44-.83-1.99c-1.1-1.1-2.89-1.1-3.99,0l-3.54,3.54h0l-1.6,1.6c-.06.06-.06.15,0,.21,0,0,0,0,0,0s0,0,0,0l.36.36-.88.03s-.04,0-.06.01c-.02,0-.04.02-.05.03-.06.06-.06.15,0,.21h0s0,.01,0,.01l3.82,3.82h0s."/> </g> </svg> } /> ); const selectDocument = ({ className, isSelected, attributes, setAttributes }) => { const [documents, setDocuments] = useState([]); const [documentDataLoaded, setDocumentDataLoaded] = useState(false); const [selectedDocument, setSelectedDocument] = useState(attributes.selectedDocument); const [documentSyncStatus, setDocumentSyncStatus] = useState(attributes.documentSyncStatus); const [customDocumentHtml, setCustomDocumentHtml] = useState(''); useEffect(() => { api.getDocuments().then( ( response ) => { let documents =; setDocuments(documents); setDocumentDataLoaded(true); let documentData = false; if ( documents && 0 !== selectedDocument ) { // If we have a selected document, find that document and add it. documentData = documents.find( ( item ) => { return === selectedDocument } ); if (documents.length === 0) { setAttributes({ hasDocuments: false, }); } } let tempHtml = ''; if ( documentData ) { tempHtml = documentData.content; } if ( attributes.customDocument && attributes.customDocument.length>0 ){ tempHtml = attributes.customDocument; } setCustomDocumentHtml(tempHtml); }); }, []) const onChangeSelectDocument = (value) => { // Set the state setSelectedDocument(value); // Set the attributes setAttributes({ selectedDocument: value, }); } const onChangeCustomDocument = (html) => { setAttributes({ customDocument: html, }); } const onChangeSelectDocumentSyncStatus = (value) =>{ setDocumentSyncStatus(value); setAttributes({ documentSyncStatus: value, }); //we reset the customDocument data const selectedDocumentData = documents.find((item) => { return === selectedDocument }); setCustomDocumentHtml(selectedDocumentData.content); setAttributes({ customDocument: selectedDocumentData.content, }); } let options = [{value: 0, label: __('Select a document', 'complianz-gdpr')}]; let output = __('Loading...', 'complianz-gdpr'); let document_status_options = [ {value: 'sync', label: __('Synchronize document with Complianz', 'complianz-gdpr')}, {value: 'unlink', label: __('Edit document and stop synchronization', 'complianz-gdpr')}, ]; if ( !attributes.hasDocuments ){ output = __('No documents found. Please finish the Complianz Privacy Suite wizard to generate documents', 'complianz-gdpr'); } //preview if ( attributes.preview ) { return( <img alt="preview" src={complianz.cmplz_preview} /> ); } if ( documentDataLoaded ) { output = isSelected ? __("Select a document type from the dropdownlist", 'complianz-gdpr') : __('Click this block to show the options', 'complianz-gdpr'); documents.forEach((item) => { options.push({value:, label: item.title}); }); } //load content if ( attributes.selectedDocument!==0 && documentDataLoaded && attributes.selectedDocument.length>0 ) { const documentData = documents.find((item) => { return === attributes.selectedDocument }); if (documentData) output = documentData.content; } if ( documentSyncStatus==='sync' ) { return [ !!isSelected && ( <InspectorControls key='inspector-document'> <PanelBody title={ __('Document settings', 'complianz-gdpr' ) } initialOpen={ true } > <PanelRow key="1"> <SelectControl onChange={ (e) => onChangeSelectDocument(e) } value={ selectedDocument } label={__('Select a document', 'complianz-gdpr')} options={options}/> </PanelRow> <PanelRow key="2"> <SelectControl onChange={(e) => onChangeSelectDocumentSyncStatus(e) } value={documentSyncStatus} label={__('Document sync status', 'complianz-gdpr')} options={document_status_options}/> </PanelRow> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> ), <div key={attributes.selectedDocument} className={className} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: DOMPurify.sanitize( output ) }}></div>, ] } else { let html = documentDataLoaded ? customDocumentHtml : __('Loading...', 'complianz-gdpr'); let syncClassName = className + ' cmplz-unlinked-mode'; return [ !!isSelected && ( <InspectorControls key='inspector-document-settings'> <PanelBody title={ __('Document settings', 'complianz-gdpr' ) } initialOpen={ true } > <PanelRow> <SelectControl onChange={(e) => onChangeSelectDocument(e) } value={attributes.selectedDocument} label={__('Select a document', 'complianz-gdpr')} options={options}/> </PanelRow> <PanelRow> <SelectControl onChange={ (e) => onChangeSelectDocumentSyncStatus(e) } value={documentSyncStatus} label={__('Document sync status', 'complianz-gdpr')} options={document_status_options}/> </PanelRow> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> ), <div contentEditable={true} onInput={(e)=>onChangeCustomDocument(e.currentTarget.innerHTML)} dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: DOMPurify.sanitize(customDocumentHtml) }} className={syncClassName} ></div> ] } } /** * Register: a Gutenberg Block. * * Registers a new block provided a unique name and an object defining its * behavior. Once registered, the block is made editor as an option to any * editor interface where blocks are implemented. * * @link * @param {string} name Block name. * @param {Object} settings Block settings. * @return {?WPBlock} The block, if it has been successfully * registered; otherwise `undefined`. */ registerBlockType('complianz/document', { title: __('Legal document - Complianz', 'complianz-gdpr'), // Block title. icon: iconEl, // Block icon from Dashicons → category: 'widgets', example: { attributes: { 'preview' : true, }, }, keywords: [ __('Privacy Statement', 'complianz-gdpr'), __('Cookie Policy', 'complianz-gdpr'), __('Disclaimer', 'complianz-gdpr'), ], //className: 'cmplz-document', attributes: { documentSyncStatus: { type: 'string', default: 'sync' }, customDocument: { type: 'string', default: '' }, hasDocuments: { type: 'string', default: 'false', }, content: { type: 'string', source: 'children', selector: 'p', }, selectedDocument: { type: 'string', default: '', }, documents: { type: 'array', }, document: { type: 'array', }, preview: { type: 'boolean', default: false, } }, /** * The edit function describes the structure of your block in the context of the editor. * This represents what the editor will render when the block is used. * * The "edit" property must be a valid function. * * @link */ edit:selectDocument, /** * The save function defines the way in which the different attributes should be combined * into the final markup, which is then serialized by Gutenberg into post_content. * * The "save" property must be specified and must be a valid function. * * @link */ save: function() { // Rendering in PHP return null; }, }); registerBlockType( 'complianz/consent-area', { title: __( 'Consent Area Block' ), icon: iconEl, category: 'widgets', example: { attributes: { 'preview' : true, }, }, attributes: { category:{ type: 'string', default: 'marketing', }, service:{ type: 'service', default: 'general', }, blockId:{ type: 'string', default: '' }, postId:{ type: 'integer', default: -1, }, placeholderContent: { type: 'string', default: '', }, consentedContent: { type: 'string', default: '', }, }, edit: ( props ) => { const { getCurrentPostId } ="core/editor"); const postId = getCurrentPostId(); const { attributes, setAttributes , isSelected, className} = props; const [ view, setView ] = useState( 'consented' ); const [ isPreview, setIsPreview ] = useState( false ); const onViewChange = ( value ) => { setView( value ); }; useEffect( () => { setAttributes( { postId: postId, category:attributes.category, service:attributes.service } ); if (attributes.blockId==='') { let blockId = (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7); setAttributes( { blockId: blockId } ); } }, [attributes] ); const blockProps = useBlockProps(); let disabled = !complianz.user_can_unfiltered_html; return [ !!isSelected && ( <InspectorControls key='inspector-document-settings'> <PanelBody title={ __('Document settings', 'complianz-gdpr' ) } initialOpen={ true } > <PanelRow key="1"> <SelectControl disabled={disabled} label={ __( 'Category','complianz-gdpr' ) } value={ attributes.category } options={ [ { label: __( 'Preferences','complianz-gdpr' ), value: 'preferences' }, { label: __( 'Statistics','complianz-gdpr' ), value: 'statistics' }, { label: __( 'Marketing','complianz-gdpr' ), value: 'marketing' }, ] } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { category: value } ) } /> </PanelRow> <PanelRow key="2"> <TextControl disabled={disabled} label={ __( 'Service','complianz-gdpr' ) } value={ attributes.service } onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { service: value } ) } /> </PanelRow> <PanelRow key="3"> <SelectControl disabled={disabled} label={ __( 'View' ) } value={ view } options={ [ { label: __( 'Placeholder','complianz-gdpr' ), value: 'placeholder' }, { label: __( 'Default','complianz-gdpr' ), value: 'consented' }, ] } onChange={ (value )=>onViewChange(value) } /> </PanelRow> </PanelBody> </InspectorControls> ), <div {...blockProps} key="cmplz-consent-area"> { <BlockControls> <ToolbarGroup> <ToolbarButton className="components-tab-button" isPressed={ ! isPreview } onClick={ () => setIsPreview(false) } > HTML </ToolbarButton> <ToolbarButton className="components-tab-button" isPressed={ isPreview } onClick={ () => setIsPreview(true) } > { __( 'Preview' ) } </ToolbarButton> </ToolbarGroup> </BlockControls> } {disabled && <div>{__("You do not have sufficient permissions to edit this block.","complianz-gdpr")}</div>} { !isPreview && <> { view==='placeholder' && <TextareaControl key="1" disabled={disabled} placeholder={ __( 'You can add custom HTML to create your own placeholder. This placeholder is visible before consent.','complianz-gdpr' ) } className={className} value={attributes.placeholderContent} onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { placeholderContent: value } ) } /> } { view === 'consented' && <TextareaControl key="2" disabled={disabled} placeholder={ __( 'You can add custom HTML that requires consent. In the right-side bar you will find the options for this custom block. For instructions, please go to for more information.','complianz-gdpr' ) } className={className} value={attributes.consentedContent} onChange={ ( value ) => setAttributes( { consentedContent: value } ) } /> } </>} { !!isPreview && <> { view === 'placeholder' && <div> <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: DOMPurify.sanitize( attributes.placeholderContent ) } }></div> </div> } { view === 'consented' && <div> <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{__html: DOMPurify.sanitize( attributes.consentedContent ) } }></div> </div> } </>} </div> ] }, save: function() { return null; }, } );