import { create } from 'zustand'; import {produce} from 'immer'; import * as burst_api from '../utils/api'; import {toast} from 'react-toastify'; import {__} from '@wordpress/i18n'; import {setGoals} from '../utils/api'; export const useGoalsStore = create( ( set, get ) => { const loadGoals = async() => { try { const {goals, predefinedGoals, goalFields} = await burst_api.getGoals(); //convert goalFields object to array let goalFieldsArray = Object.values( goalFields ); set({goals: goals, predefinedGoals: predefinedGoals, goalFields: goalFieldsArray}); } catch ( error ) { toast.error( __( 'Failed to load goals', 'burst-statistics' ) ); } }; const addPredefinedGoal = async( predefinedGoalId, type, cookieless ) => { if ( 'hook' === type && cookieless ) { toast.error( __( 'Cannot add server side goals in combination with cookieless tracking', 'burst-statistics' ) ); return; } if ( ! burst_settings.is_pro ) { toast.error( __( 'Predefined goals are a premium feature.', 'burst-statistics' ) ); return; } try { const response = await toast.promise( burst_api.addPredefinedGoal( predefinedGoalId ), { pending: __( 'Adding predefined goal...', 'burst-statistics' ), success: __( 'Successfully added predefined goal!', 'burst-statistics' ), error: __( 'Failed to add predefined goal', 'burst-statistics' ) }); const goal = response.goal; set( produce( ( state ) => { state.goals.push( goal ); }) ); } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); toast.error( __( 'Something went wrong', 'burst-statistics' ) ); } }; const getGoal = ( id )=> { let goals = get().goals; if ( ! Array.isArray( goals ) ) { return false; } let index = goals.findIndex( goal => === id ); if ( -1 !== index ) { return goals[index]; } return false; }; const addGoal = async() => { try { const response = await toast.promise( burst_api.addGoal(), { pending: __( 'Adding goal...', 'burst-statistics' ), success: __( 'Goal added successfully!', 'burst-statistics' ), error: __( 'Failed to add goal', 'burst-statistics' ) }); set( produce( ( state ) => { state.goals.push( response.goal ); }) ); } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); toast.error( __( 'Something went wrong', 'burst-statistics' ) ); } }; const deleteGoal = async( id ) => { try { const response = await toast.promise( burst_api.deleteGoal( id ), { pending: __( 'Deleting goal...', 'burst-statistics' ), success: __( 'Goal deleted successfully!', 'burst-statistics' ), error: __( 'Failed to delete goal', 'burst-statistics' ) }); if ( response.deleted ) { set( produce( ( draft ) => { // if there is only one goal left we a new one was created, if ( 1 === draft.goals.length ) { draft.goals = []; } else { //find goal with = id, and delete from the array let index = draft.goals.findIndex( goal => === id ); if ( -1 !== index ) { draft.goals.splice( index, 1 ); } } }) ); } } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); toast.error( __( 'Something went wrong', 'burst-statistics' ) ); } }; const setGoalValue = ( id, type, value ) => { //find goal by id in goals array let found = false; let index = false; set( produce( ( state ) => { state.goals.forEach( function( goalItem, i ) { if ( === id ) { index = i; found = true; } }); if ( false !== index ) { state.goals[index][type] = value; } }) ); }; const saveGoals = async() => { try { let data = {goals: get().goals}; const response = await burst_api.setGoals( data ); return Promise.resolve( response ); } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); return Promise.reject( error ); } }; const updateGoal = ( id, data ) => set( produce( ( draft ) => { draft.goals[id] = { ...draft.goals[id], }; }) ); const saveGoalTitle = async( id, value ) => { try { let goal = { 'id': id, 'title': value }; let goals = []; goals.push( goal ); let data = {goals: goals}; await burst_api.setGoals( data ); return Promise.resolve(); } catch ( error ) { console.error( error ); return Promise.reject( error ); } }; // Load goals on store creation loadGoals(); return { goals: {}, goalFields: {}, addGoal, deleteGoal, updateGoal, addPredefinedGoal, setGoalValue, saveGoals, saveGoalTitle, getGoal }; });