import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import {UseDocumentsData} from "./DocumentsData";
import CreateDocument from "./CreateDocument";
import {useEffect} from "@wordpress/element";
import useFields from "../../Settings/Fields/FieldsData";
import Placeholder from '../../Placeholder/Placeholder';
import Icon from "../../utils/Icon";
import {memo, useState} from "@wordpress/element";

 * Render a help notice in the sidebar
const CreateDocumentsControl = () => {
	const {saveDocuments, saving, documentsChanged, documentsDataLoaded, hasMissingPages, fetchDocumentsData, requiredPages } = UseDocumentsData();
	const {fields, fieldsLoaded, changedFields, addHelpNotice, removeHelpNotice, showSavedSettingsNotice, setDocumentSettingsChanged} = useFields();
	const [hasNoDocumentsNotice, setHasNoDocumentsNotice] = useState(false);

	useEffect (  () => {
		if ( !fieldsLoaded ) return;
		//we want to update on load. When the user changes a field, we want to update after save, then the count is zero again.
		if ( changedFields.length>0 ){
	}, [ fields, changedFields ])

	useEffect (  () => {
		if (!documentsDataLoaded) return;

		if ( requiredPages.length === 0) {
			let explanation = __("You haven't selected any legal documents to create.", "complianz-gdpr") + " " + __("You can continue to the next step.", "complianz-gdpr");
			addHelpNotice('create-documents', 'warning', explanation, __('No required documents', 'complianz-gdpr'));
		} else {
			if (hasNoDocumentsNotice) {
	}, [ requiredPages, documentsDataLoaded ])

	const onButtonClickHandler = async () => {
		saveDocuments().then(()=> {
			showSavedSettingsNotice(__("Documents updated!", "complianz-gdpr"));
	let intro;
	if ( hasMissingPages ){
		intro = __("The pages marked with X should be added to your website. You can create these pages with a shortcode, a Gutenberg block or use the below \"Create missing pages\" button.","complianz-gdpr");
	} else {
		intro = __("All necessary pages have been created already. You can update the page titles here if you want, then click the \"Update pages\" button.","complianz-gdpr");

	if (!documentsDataLoaded) {
		return (
			<Placeholder lines="3"></Placeholder>
	let disabled = !hasMissingPages && !documentsChanged;
	return (
			{documentsDataLoaded && intro}
			{documentsDataLoaded &&, i) => <CreateDocument page={page} key={i} />)}
			{requiredPages.length>0 &&
					<button disabled={disabled} onClick={()=> onButtonClickHandler()} className="button button-default">
						{hasMissingPages ? __("Create missing pages","complianz-gdpr") : __("Update","complianz-gdpr")}
						{saving && <Icon name = "loading" color = 'grey' />}



export default memo(CreateDocumentsControl)