import UseCopyMultisiteData from "./UseCopyMultisiteData";
import {memo, useEffect, useState} from "@wordpress/element";;
import Icon from "../../utils/Icon";
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';

import {__experimentalConfirmDialog as ConfirmDialog} from "@wordpress/components";
import useFields from "../Fields/FieldsData";
const CopyMultisite = () => {
	const { progress, active, start, next, total, copySites } = UseCopyMultisiteData();
	const [ isOpen, setIsOpen ] = useState( false );
	const {addHelpNotice, removeHelpNotice} = useFields();

	const handleConfirm = async () => {
		setIsOpen( false );
		await copySites(true);

	const handleCancel = () => {
		setIsOpen( false );

	const doCopySiteBatch = async () => {
		await copySites(false);

	useEffect (() => {
		if (progress < 100) {
			if (active ) {
				addHelpNotice('copy-multisite', 'warning', __( "Complianz is currently copying settings of site %1$s to %2$s of %3$s sites.","complianz-gdpr").replace('%1$s', start).replace('%2$s', next).replace('%3$s', total), __("Copying settings...","complianz-gdpr"),false);

		} else {
	},[progress] );
	return (
			<div className="cmplz-export-container">
					isOpen={ isOpen }
					onConfirm={ handleConfirm }
					onCancel={ handleCancel }
					{__( 'Are you sure? This will overwrite the settings in all your subsites with the Complianz settings of this site.', 'complianz-gdpr' )}
				<button className="button button-default" onClick={() => setIsOpen( true )}>{__("Start","complianz-gdpr")}
					{ active && <>&nbsp;{progress}%<Icon name = "loading" color = 'grey' /></>}
export default memo(CopyMultisite)